Sheltered in the Cleft

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Should I Be a Teacher of Good Things?

For over a year now I have struggled greatly with whether or not I have been called to teach women that they should be keepers at home on a public level. At times I've questioned if I should teach it at all.

I look around and see so many "ok" families, and think why should I upset what works for them? Why should I plant a principle so foreign and so offensive in their minds?   All that will happen is people will hate me, make fun of me and tell me I am incorrectly interpreting scripture.

I have gone back and forth over this. I have discussed it with my daughters and a few friends. To be honest, the coward in me wants to walk away. To let people alone, and to live their lives how they see fit.

But I can't.
I know that if I do I am walking away from an issue that destroys women and families. The lack of knowing who we as women were created to be, and what we were created to do effects our entire society. Starting with the individual,to the family, to  the church and to the goverment.
Yes, it's that big. That powerful.
If you don't believe me just LOOK.
Look all around you. The consequences of leaving life up to us to determine who we are and what we are is removing civility from civilazation.
It's removing truth and righteousness from the church, which leaves no church. Only a building where people gather.

You are a fool to think that we have progressed. No we havent. We are slipping further and further to the place where God must step in to deal with the wickedness. The rebellion. God's judgement is not impending. I'ts here. Read Romans chapter one. 
Where does judgement start? With the church!
Those of us who claim to be christians must be found to be faithful. In ALL of the Word of God. With all of His will. Not just His will to go out into the world and make disciples of all nations. That is only one part of being a christian. Of being faithful.

We cannot interpret scripture through a current, cultural lens. It must be to seek and understand what God said and meant through HIS lens. Which never changes. Not with the times, nor with circumstances.

In Titus chapter two, it tells the older women to be a teacher of good things to the younger women.
To teach these things:

To be sober
To love their husbands
To love their children
To be discreet
To be chaste
To be keepers at home
To be good
To be obedient to their own husbands


In order that the Word of God be not blasphemed. What does that mean?

*BLASPHE'ME, v.t. [Gr. The first syllable is the same as in blame, blasme, denoting injury; L. loedo, loesus; The last syllable is the Gr.,to speak.]

1. To speak of the Supreme Being in terms of impious irreverence; to revile or speak reproachfully of God, or the Holy Spirit. 1 Ki 21. Mark 3.

2. To speak evil of; to utter abuse or calumny against; to speak reproachfully of.
BLASPHE'ME, v.i. To utter blasphemy.
He that shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit shall not be forgiven. Mark 3.

1. To arrogate the prerogatives of God.

*(Websters 1828 Dictionary)

(arrogate:1. to claim unwarrantably or presumptuously; assume or appropriate to oneself without right:)


Where does that leave me?
To have no choice but to be a teacher of good things to the younger women.

The fire within my heart is for women to know what a woman is. What her purpose is. And who is her Master. Yes... Master.

Her creator is her master. Apart from Him, she can never know the why of her existence, the purpose of her life. She was made by someone else. For someone else.
She can never be beautiful,  truly beautiful unless she is who she was designed to be.

Apart from God's Word, I can't teach that. He has beautifully illustrated who and what a woman is to be in the Holy Scriptures.

You can't teach anything good from your own reserves, or words. You can't teach what discreet means, or chaste or anything seperate from the one who OWNS those things.  They belong to him. We must take it from Him for it to be pure and true and right.

I started this blog as a means to encourage women who have the understanding of what a keeper at home is, and whose heart and life is trying to walk that out in difficult circumstances. Circumstances that make it hard to be obedient to the Word of God in this area.

I slacked off because I questioned how important it is. Who really cares, and is it really necessary?
I have struggled within my soul and the struggle is over.

Our society is messed up. Our churches are messed up. In order for men to be men, women must be women. It is critical to the family, and the effectivness of the church and it's mission.



Janet said...

I love this post, Beth! God has given you a gift with words that many of us don't have. Use them for His glory and His kingdom!:)

Beth said...

Thanks for your support Janet! :)